Helping the Helpers

Aquora Research & Consulting is the bridge linking NGOs, mission groups, and other organizations to the successful implementation of data-based water solutions that positively impact communities around the world.

“...the right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation [is] a human right that is essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights...” 1

Across the globe, access to sufficient clean freshwater is becoming more and more challenging. Groundwater resources are increasingly affected by climate change and human activities. In fact, more than half the world’s population "experience severe water scarcity for at least one month during the year." 2

WHO/Unicef Joint Monitoring Programme

WHO/Unicef Joint Monitoring Programme

When we hear these numbers, our first response is to help. Many mission groups and NGOs do this by bringing filters or installing wells for communities that don’t have clean water sources. Unfortunately, these interventions may not be addressing the main sources of illness or even the needs of the community as they see them.

Aquora will help your organization find and implement the best solutions so that your efforts actually help the people you seek to serve.

The process starts with you. Aquora’s team of experts will meet with you to learn about the community, your level of engagement with them, and what you need from us. Once we have a clear understanding of your needs and the needs of your community, Aquora will be with you every step of the way to accomplish your goals. Some of the services we offer include:

Sample dashboard

Sample dashboard

  • Customize a project design, often including formal surveys and water sample testing in the community

  • Integrate the survey and sample analysis, putting the results into context for you to simplify decision making about use, treatment, and management of water

  • Identify solutions and solution providers

  • Expertise in grant writing if needed for funding

  • Assist in implementing the solution and training future scientists and servant leaders

  • Assess success with follow-up surveys and testing during implementation and again several months later

  • Assess impact on public health & economy through a follow-up report delineating evidence of success that can be used to improve fundraising efforts

Aquora has worked with communities across the globe and has the expertise and resources to help you too.

1 United Nations General Assembly, 2010. The Human Right to Water and Sanitation. Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 28 July 2010, Sixty-fourth session, A/RES/64/292.

2 About 4 billion people in 2019: WWAP (UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme). The United Nations World Water Development Report 2019: Leaving No One Behind. Paris, UNESCO 2019.